The Value of Consulting & Engineering
The creative world of building and space design adds challenging elements to the already complicated and evolving requirements surrounding building and fire codes. Through experience and great relationships, our team of registered, professional code consultants have a wide range of expertise to help navigate through and identify code requirements, design required systems, as well as ensure life safety is maintained in even the most unique building designs.
- Building and fire code, means of egress, fire-rated construction consulting, interpretation and equivalencies
- Smoke management system design, inspection and testing
- Fire life safety system design including special hazards (sprinkler, detection, mass notification, clean agent)
- Hazardous materials consulting and process/risk hazard analysis
- Fire, smoke and egress modeling
- Fire life safety performance-based design and analysis
- Office and Commercial
- Military
- Marine and Offshore
- Power Generation
- Industrial
- Government
- Nuclear Power
- Stadia, Assembly, Convention
- Storage and Warehousing
- Healthcare
- Renewable Fuels
- Grain Handling and Dust Control
- Transportation
- Petrochemical, Oil and Gas
- Tunnels
- Multi-family residential
- Historic
- Institutional
- Hotel