The Social Security Administration (SSA) delivers a broad range of services online and through a network of over 1,400 offices nationwide. The Altmeyer Building was constructed in 1959 as the first building on the SSA Woodlawn Campus. The Building’s prominent location on Security Boulevard enables it to act as the public face of the Woodlawn Campus. Architectural features include original marble throughout the Ground Floor Lobby and a memorial wall to the SSA employees killed in the Oklahoma City bombing, a time capsule located on the exterior wall near the Auditorium, and a memorial garden in front of the building.
The project scope consists of removal and replacement of the exterior cladding, interior finishes, MEP systems, stairs and elevators, stripping the building down to the existing reinforced concrete frame. Specific fire protection/life safety scope includes replacement of the entire fire sprinkler/standpipe and fire alarm systems, replacement of fire pump (and re-sizing to meet standpipe demands), adding and/or widening stairs to meet increasing occupant loads and current codes, new elevators meeting stretcher and fire department access for high rise buildings requirements.
Summit is the fire protection engineer on the project and providing code consulting services and design for the sprinkler/standpipe and fire alarm systems. Summit will also be providing assistance throughout the construction phase of the project.